What is TuDu?
TuDu is a comand line interface to manage hierarchical todos. Each task has a title, a long text description, a deadline (tudu warns you when the date is close), and a scheduled date. There are categories and priorities.
- 10/05/2020 New tudu version 0.10.4 small fixes.
- 18/07/2019 New tudu version 0.10.3 fix some segfaults.
- 16/06/2017 New tudu version 0.10.2 fix url in man pages.
- 16/06/2017 New tudu version 0.10.1 fixing several bugs.
- 14/01/2016 Update the repo links as now gitorious is closed we use gitlab.
- 16/01/2015 New tudu version 0.10 adding move task witch shift+up/down, mark task as done/undone with space and fixing a segfault.
- 24/06/2013 New tudu version 0.9.1 fixing several bugs.
- 07/06/2013 New tudu version 0.9 adding support for double-with characters and fixing some bugs.
- 25/09/2012 New tudu version 0.8.2 adding the posibility to configure the path to the tudu xml file and fixing some bugs.
- 07/02/2012 Change the url of the project to: https://code.meskio.net/tudu/
- 04/02/2012 Due some problem with server the page was down for some weeks. Sorry for the inconvenience.
A screenshot:

The source can be downloaded from: tudu-0.10.4.tar.gz
Older versions:
Find packages for your distro in repology
The development is done on a git repository on gitlab, there is also a mirror of the repo in github
If you find any bug or problem write me an email: meskio@sindominio.net
Ruben Pollan (meskio) meskio@sindominio.net